Post & Rung Stool Class Workshop
In this four-session class, you will learn both machine and hand tool methods for the basics of chair making, while building a classic post and rung stool. Parts will be roughed out using the table saw and bandsaw and then you’ll learn to further shape and refine your parts with a shave horse, drawknife, spokeshave, and hand planes. We’ll cover round mortise and tenon joinery for assembling our parts into a four sided stool. Finally, you will learn about different weaving patterns in traditional shaker tape to weave a pattern for your seat. This class is suitable for beginners and returning students alike.

Wood Shop Basics
Learn how to set up and safely operate the miter saw, drill press, band saw, and sanders. This class includes lots of hands-on time with the tools while you make a set of custom utensils to take home with you. From DIY shelves and storage to works of art--you can do a lot of projects with just these basic tools!

Intro to Woodworking Bootcamp - March
Designed for beginners with little to no woodworking experience, this four-day class covers wood physics, shop safety and etiquette, an introduction to joinery concepts, and hands-on experience with the most commonly used woodworking machines.
The project for this class is a small side table featuring half-laps, bridle joints, and a round top. The goal of this course is to build a foundation of skills and knowledge so you can work independently on simple projects or move forward with more advanced classes. All tools, materials and safety equipment are provided.

Intro to Woodworking Bootcamp for Women, Trans, and GNC Folks
Designed for beginners with little to no woodworking experience, this four-day class covers wood physics, shop safety and etiquette, an introduction to joinery concepts, and hands-on experience with the most commonly used woodworking machines.
The project for this class is a small side table featuring half-laps, bridle joints, and a round top. The goal of this course is to build a foundation of skills and knowledge so you can work independently on simple projects or move forward with more advanced classes. All tools, materials and safety equipment are provided.

Intro to Woodworking Bootcamp - October
Designed for beginners with little to no woodworking experience, this four-day class covers wood physics, shop safety and etiquette, an introduction to joinery concepts, and hands-on experience with the most commonly used woodworking machines.
The project for this class is a small side table featuring half-laps, bridle joints, and a round top. The goal of this course is to build a foundation of skills and knowledge so you can work independently on simple projects or move forward with more advanced classes. All tools, materials and safety equipment are provided.

Intro to Woodworking Bootcamp - October
Designed for beginners with little to no woodworking experience, this four-day class covers wood physics, shop safety and etiquette, an introduction to joinery concepts, and hands-on experience with the most commonly used woodworking machines.
The project for this class is a small side table featuring half-laps, bridle joints, and a round top. The goal of this course is to build a foundation of skills and knowledge so you can work independently on simple projects or move forward with more advanced classes. All tools, materials and safety equipment are provided.

Post & Rung Stool Class
In this four-session class, you will learn both machine and hand tool methods for the basics of chair making, while building a classic post and rung stool. Parts will be roughed out using the table saw and bandsaw and then you’ll learn to further shape and refine your parts with a shave horse, drawknife, spokeshave, and hand planes. We’ll cover round mortise and tenon joinery for assembling our parts into a four sided stool. Finally, you will learn about different weaving patterns in traditional shaker tape to weave a pattern for your seat. This class is suitable for beginners and returning students alike.

Woodworking 101 for Women, Trans & GNC Folks
Over two sessions, you’ll design and make a laminated hardwood cutting board with multiple wood species of your choosing. We’ll cover how to mill rough lumber flat and square using the miter saw, jointer, planer, and table saw, and then glue them up into a striped cutting board. Then you'll learn how to set up and safely operate the band saw, drill press, and power sanders, which can be used to shape and detail your cutting board. Last you will sand and finish the boards with a food-safe finish. This class includes lots of hands-on time with the tools, focusing on set up and safe technique—a great refresher in prep for Workshop Certification.